This weekend is the godfather of all entertainment conventions, San Diego Comic Con International. Like many of you, we can't be there in person, but there a TON of ways to see (and hear) live or almost live events online. All week we will be previewing ways to partake in the epic con fun with out the crowds and con crud! |
Today's tip, park your butt behind your computer and troll YouTube.
Key words: San Diego Comic Con 2015
Key words: San Diego Comic Con 2015
All weekend internet news outlets will be on-site streaming live interviews and news, companies or attendees will release video from panels, and new movie, TV and game trailers are released after they premiere at the Con.
Our friends at IGN and CNET have picked up the torch for the nerdy coverage that G4 used to provide, and is a great source for daily re-caps, highlights and analysis.
If cosplay is your thing, Sneaky Zebra always produces excellent cosplay highlight videos at every convention they go to, so keep an eye out for their wrap-ups that usually come out a shortly after Con ends (see last year's below...)
Also, Marvel is doing a Live Stream all weekend here. There may not always be something going on, but you never know...