by Lauren
(Spoiler free does not mean emotion free, so consider yourselves warned)
I saw it Saturday Night. Other GGs saw it opening day, others still haven't seen it. The craziness around the pre-sale made it difficult for us all to go together. But we had a massive chat about it yesterday, and everyone left the movie with a different opinion, favorite part, pet peeve and/or life changing experience. (Personally, I'm still not 100% sure how I feel about it.)
However, there were three things we could all completely agree on.
However, there were three things we could all completely agree on.
1. See it.
See it big and loud and 3D and Imax and all the things! It is beautiful. The visuals are amazingly stunning, the action is engrossing, detailed and enthralling. The music and sound is as sweeping and epic as you remember.
2. See it a second time.
Now this isn't pandering to the hype machine - we bailed from that a month ago. This is for practical reasons. The experience of "FINALLY SEEING STAR WARS" can be so overwhelming, it is really hard to take in the whole film.
No longer measured against hype and unrealistic expectations, you can see all the details and enjoy the movie for what it is the second time - a damned fine adventure.
No longer measured against hype and unrealistic expectations, you can see all the details and enjoy the movie for what it is the second time - a damned fine adventure.
and 3. Daisy Ridley as Rey is a revelation.
I won't say anything specific about her character, but Rey is THE hero for a new generation of children (and giddy adults). She is strong, kind and unwaveringly determined. She is smart, loyal and fiercely independent. Gone is the hesitant or reluctant hero trope. She takes it a runs - because it is the right thing to do.
Following her journey through these movies will be a true joy for years to come.
(I'm sure even implying that she lives is technically a spoiler, but y'all can stuff it.)
Following her journey through these movies will be a true joy for years to come.
(I'm sure even implying that she lives is technically a spoiler, but y'all can stuff it.)
So that's it. That's our review. Make up your own mind - I'm sure people will be debating this to death for years to come.
Now start the countdown to Star Wars: Rogue One...
Now start the countdown to Star Wars: Rogue One...