Taking place immediately after the destruction of the second Death Star in Return of the Jedi, a new 'canon' mobile game lets you join the "Uprising." The new game takes place in the Anoat Sector, which contains both Hoth and Cloud City, and allows players to sign up to the rebellion to take on one of the last strongholds of the Empire following the death of the Emperor - not that the Stormtroopers on the ground are aware of that fact just yet... |
"The Anoat Sector is controlled by a man who has blocked transmissions from the Empire," Aaron Loeb, svp of the San Francisco-based studio, told The Hollywood Reporter. "He's trying to hide the fact that the Emperor has died from the sector, so that he can maintain control."
The game is set to release in Fall 2015. In the mean time, here is some amazing concept art: