by Lauren
So, it was a loooooong summer - with not a heck of a lot on the TV to fill up the emptiness until the Fall shows return. Solution? Find a TV series that was on so long and has movies and spin-off series to binge watch the whole summer through.
TEN seasons of Stargate: SG1, 2 made for TV movies, plus five Seasons of Stargate: Atlantis (and SGU, if you want to count that) makes for over 364 hours of kick-ass sci-fi binge watching!
So, it was a loooooong summer - with not a heck of a lot on the TV to fill up the emptiness until the Fall shows return. Solution? Find a TV series that was on so long and has movies and spin-off series to binge watch the whole summer through.
TEN seasons of Stargate: SG1, 2 made for TV movies, plus five Seasons of Stargate: Atlantis (and SGU, if you want to count that) makes for over 364 hours of kick-ass sci-fi binge watching!
********Read More After the Break **********
Also, this is an excellent show to get some sci-fi into your 'mixed' marriage. My husband is not a geek per se (at least not about sci-fi TV) but I got him into this show pretty easy. Now it is a yearly tradition. I haven't seen him so happy in a while since he saw the Stargate panel and met Joe Flanagan at Dragon Con. He bought All. The. Patches. And is already planning his first costume for Con in 2015. Action. Adventure. Aliens. Humor. Great characters in an epic world. Classic. |
Also makes a great drinking game - drink every time they kill (or almost kill) Daniel Jackson. He is the 'Kenny' of the Stargate Universe.