Other than conventions, Halloween is the perfect time of the year to bust out your costume skills and get nerdy with it.
The problem? Costume shops.
Now, I'm not saying I am against feeling or looking 'sexy' in a costume, do whatever makes you happy and feel confident. The problem is the expectation set by the Halloween industry - there are very few options in a Halloween Express, Party City or the like, for a woman's costume that isn't a Sexy _________ (fill in the blank) - oh, and if you are plus sized - it's a busty witch or a potato sack for you!
What brought this on? This picture...
Cosplayers have a one-up on the muggles because we have 'costume closets' and the crafty skills to make something we want - sexy or not. I feel really bad for your everyday woman looking to attend a holiday party with something bought from a store. It's trashy costumes galore for you! Also, with those being the stocked and advertised options it becomes the expectation - especially of men - that if you aren't a sexy ____________ at a party that there is something weird or wrong with you.
In the mean time, remember that 'sexy' doesn't have to mean 'who can show the most skin' and take pity on your costume challenged muggle friends and help them find, make or borrow an outfit they can feel proud of for Halloween this year!