With the holidays right around the corner, this geeky mom stays busy decorating, baking cookies, shopping, and organizing holiday meals and family travel plans. But while I'm shopping online for gifts (because really, who wants to go to the mall this month if you don't have to?!), I will admit to indulging myself by making a wishlist of my own favorite geeky things!
I am frequently late to the party when it comes to tv shows, and the Outlander series is no exception - so at the top of my list this year is the DVD collections of Season One. I loved the books, and everyone I know raves about the show - so hopefully Santa will pop this into my stocking this year! It certainly can't hurt that Amazon has them on sale right now for almost 50% off!
Next on my list is the fabulous new illustrated version of J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - currently on sale at both Amazon and Barnes & Noble. I could lie and say I want this for my children, but we all know the truth - the only reason they are little Potterheads is because I've encouraged them in that direction!
This past Mother's Day, my family got me a marvelous charm bracelet from ThinkGeek. So far I have the Firefly, Storm Trooper, Star Trek insignia, TARDIS, and Super Mom charms, but this Christmas I'm lusting after three more - Dobby the house elf (in honor of the aforementioned Harry Potter obsession), a d20 (as a once and hopefully future RPG enthusiast), and Captain America (because, superheroes!).
I'm also in love with these Star Trek TNG A-line dresses, also from ThinkGeek. Any color would do, though I have a personal preference for blue - someday I should write about that one night when we had a TNG murder mystery dinner party where I played Dr. Crusher and I drunk-tweeted Wil Wheaton until he actually replied...or maybe not.
So those are the geeky gifts I'm hoping to find under my tree this year!
So those are the geeky gifts I'm hoping to find under my tree this year!