by Heather
Since I love romance, this will most likely be very romance heavy, but I’m always looking for new books and authors. If there are any suggestions that our readers have for books that they would like to see highlighted, please leave your comments below.
"To all the geeks out there, the role-players, the techies, the Whovians, the Browncoats, and the Star Wars fanatics. This is for you. With Love.”
As a geek, this book spoke to me on many levels and made me laugh just viewing the Table of Contents. There were chapters called Star Wars vs. Star Trek: A Primer, A Torrent of Misunderstanding, Binaries: There Are 10 Ways to Look at IT and my favorite Oh Captain, My Captain: Kirk vs Picard. Although the Kirk vs Picard discussion is over and done - we all know that it is Picard. ;) |
The book centers on Ash (the party boy) and Fee (the geek). Ash is a tattoo apprentice focused on getting his own tattoo shop. Fee is an IT professional with an apartment full of all manner of geeky toys that I would love to have. Ash and Fee meet while helping Ash’s brother and Fee’s co-worker move in together. On the first introduction, after Ash learns Fee’s name, he says “Fee Navarro? Then why does your shirt say My Name is Inigo Montoya?” I cringed for Fee. What do you say to someone who is exceptionally hot, but completely oblivious to the Princess Bride?! I probably would have come off as more of a geek and said “Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die” and then pretend brandished a sword as I got into the en garde position. But that is just me.
Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
Back to the book….During that first meeting, it was one disaster after another. It was a chance encounter that should have never gone anywhere, except for Ash. In this book, I would call his character the tenacious one. From this point on, Ash is the one trying to engineer casual meetups between the two by using his brother and his brother’s girlfriend. In fact, the harder Ash tries the colder Fee gets. This goes on for the first third of the book. Since the book is from Ash POV, Fee’s character comes off as cold and somewhat unlikeable. I can understand where Fee is coming from though. He and Ash have nothing in common, they don’t match physically, the only connection they have is Fee’s co-worker and Ash’s brother. I definitely would have appreciated seeing Fee’s POV somewhere in the book.
How does a party boy get a geek to notice him? This is where the dating guide comes in that Ash starts reading The Party Boy’s Guide to Dating a Geek - A Clumsy Cupid Instruction Manual. Each chapter starts with a little excerpt from the dating guide that geeks everywhere will appreciate. As Ash tries to use the book to connect with Fee, it is situation after situation where the reader gets a chuckle. It is like a muggle being suddenly thrown into Diagon Alley with no basis of understanding. The harder Ash tries to fit into Fee’s world and like what he likes, the more laughable the situations become. As Ash stops trying so hard, and acts more like himself and continues to be persistent in his pursuit of Fee, the story progresses nicely.
Ultimately, this is a nice light romantic story with a little angst and hot sex thrown in to keep everyone engaged. I recommend this book for all the geek lover’s out there! If you have read, or get a chance to read this book, comment below.
If you have other books/series to recommend, please comment below!
If you have other books/series to recommend, please comment below!