What is a Geek Girl?
When I was growing up, I was a tree-climbing, action figure having, toy gun toting, Lego building, card-carrying 'Tom Boy.' I loved Star Wars, Battle of the Planets and Spiderman. I was mad that girl's Underoos only came in Wonder Woman and Barbie.
But as I matured, being a ‘girl’ became defined. Make-up, dresses, teen angsty dramas, sit-up-straight and smile so boys will like you… and I just didn’t get it, it just wasn't me.
I always felt like the Greatest American Hero - I was given this super-power of becoming a woman but I’d lost the manual on how to be a ‘proper’ one. I didn’t meet my mother’s, the media’s or other girls’ expectation of what a ‘young lady’ should be like.
I haven’t changed much over the years, but I am grateful that the times have finally caught up with me. The world is starting to realize that females like comics, games, and action movies also.
I am a “Geek Girl,” and there are thousand and thousands like me. You’ll meet some of them here. They are a smart, amazing and diverse group of women with both shared interests and unique skills. Since I met them I have finally realized that there is no manual, and there is no ‘proper’ way to be a woman.
Be girly AND play laser tag. Gossip about boys AND argue about the movie casting of your favorite book characters. Watch sports AND love the theater. Screw labels. Smash boxes. Defy 'normal.'
Like what you like, embrace your quirks, accept others, and BE YOU.
That is what being a Geek Girl is all about.
When I was growing up, I was a tree-climbing, action figure having, toy gun toting, Lego building, card-carrying 'Tom Boy.' I loved Star Wars, Battle of the Planets and Spiderman. I was mad that girl's Underoos only came in Wonder Woman and Barbie.
But as I matured, being a ‘girl’ became defined. Make-up, dresses, teen angsty dramas, sit-up-straight and smile so boys will like you… and I just didn’t get it, it just wasn't me.
I always felt like the Greatest American Hero - I was given this super-power of becoming a woman but I’d lost the manual on how to be a ‘proper’ one. I didn’t meet my mother’s, the media’s or other girls’ expectation of what a ‘young lady’ should be like.
I haven’t changed much over the years, but I am grateful that the times have finally caught up with me. The world is starting to realize that females like comics, games, and action movies also.
I am a “Geek Girl,” and there are thousand and thousands like me. You’ll meet some of them here. They are a smart, amazing and diverse group of women with both shared interests and unique skills. Since I met them I have finally realized that there is no manual, and there is no ‘proper’ way to be a woman.
Be girly AND play laser tag. Gossip about boys AND argue about the movie casting of your favorite book characters. Watch sports AND love the theater. Screw labels. Smash boxes. Defy 'normal.'
Like what you like, embrace your quirks, accept others, and BE YOU.
That is what being a Geek Girl is all about.