My world revolved around skate park openings and camcorder-recordings of “awesome” tricks, even if I didn’t have the coordination to stay on roller skates for more than five seconds before faceplanting. I lived out my skate punk dreams playing Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater.
If you’ve still got an itch to play skateboarding games, but want something new and fresh, OlliOlli is a face-paced addicting side-scroller that will bring back all sorts of warm, fuzzy memories. This game is tricky (pun sort-of intended) with no moon physics and perfect rail cheats to help you along, you cheating cheater. (It was me, I was the biggest cheat.)
I’d definitely recommend playing the tutorial to get a hang of the controls. OlliOlli is skateboarding in its purest form, dumping you on a street and telling you to go. The game even has a helpful reminder that you’re going to hit the pavement a lot, a nice touch when you’re hitting the pavement a lot.
Practice makes perfect, and I felt like a superstar when I finally completed a run without a brutal wipeout. The soundtrack is perfectly adrenaline-pumping, just what I need on my 5th or 500th run.
Practice makes perfect, and I felt like a superstar when I finally completed a run without a brutal wipeout. The soundtrack is perfectly adrenaline-pumping, just what I need on my 5th or 500th run.
Arcadey, short levels are perfect for a quick game, if that’s all you’ve got time for. With plenty of brutally difficult levels, I’ll be skateboarding for quite some time. Originally a PS Vita exclusive, OlliOlli is now available for PC/PS3/PS4, with other consoles coming soon.
Since I don’t have a Vita (who has a Vita??) I’ll be eagerly waiting for it to come out on the 3DS-- this game has mobile written all over it.
Since I don’t have a Vita (who has a Vita??) I’ll be eagerly waiting for it to come out on the 3DS-- this game has mobile written all over it.
Not rad enough for RAD MODE,
The Dungeon Dame
The Dungeon Dame