Dust off your Gameboys, we’re about to go back in time and revisit an old favorite. In 15 years, we’ve gone so far in the world of apps, with smartphones, mp3 players, and tablets boasting huge libraries of the darn things. However, time has not yet produced one thing: a camera app BETTER than Gameboy Camera. |
Gameboy Camera went from revolutionary and cool, to outdated and lame, to finally retro and cool again. I’m pretty sure if you brought your Gameboy Camera out on the town, printing out everyone’s low-res pictures, you’d be the coolest hipster at the hipster bar. Polaroids are SO overplayed.
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Brimming with Japanese Nintendo humor and charm, the Gameboy Camera is more than just a simple point-and-shoot: you can make little animations, create your own sweet DJ beats, and play games featuring a picture of your friend with a moustache drawn on as the main boss. My favorite part? Using the command “run.” Never, ever gets old. |
For those of you who don’t have a gameboy just lying around (and are unwilling to buy one cheap off of ebay) Interstellar Selfie Station (http://interstellarselfiestation.com/) is an upcoming camera app where you can get your gameboy camera selfie on, and then quickly post on Instagram/The Facebook/The Twitter. Clearly, pixels are in vogue. | Grab your friends, grab your cat, and bust out this game again. Might I suggest your next party? Bonus if there’s drinking involved! Jambo Nintendo! -The Dungeon Dame |