After all the sales and holiday shopping, The Dungeon Dame understands if you’ve busted your budget. If you’ve spent entirely way too much on friends, family, or Steam games this year, don’t panic! We’ll be featuring free games for a while, so you can give your wallet a break
When the announcement came that the next “Five Nights at Freddy’s” game, FNaF World, wouldn't be the horror-fest we all know and love, but instead an RPG adventure, fans of the series had mixed reactions. Curious about the new gameplay, I decided to use this as an excuse to finally play The Desolate Hope, one of the creator’s earlier games. Now that I've gotten an idea of what’s possible, my excitement for FNaF World has only skyrocketed. If this new RPG is anything like the weird, hectic, haunting world of The Desolate Hope, we’re in for quite a game.
The Desolate Hope takes place on a decaying space station, neglected for years and running out of power. You play as a coffee pot who has made it their mission to tend to the needs of the robots in the station as well as destroy viruses attacking the system. This is not as easy as it sounds; the viruses are ruthless and the robots have slowly gone insane over time. You do all this by using scavenged computer game code-- creating games within games within games.
With the pre-rendered graphics and old-school gaming styles, it’s reminiscent of a bizarre, long-lost 90s PC game. The intensity ranges from slow, lonely walks on the abandoned planet to hyper-intense and fast paced RPG battle color explosions. There are moments of humor as well as dark, soul-searching monologues. It shouldn’t take too long to beat this game, about 7 hours, but it is jam-packed with everything but the kitchen sink.
Another old-school element is the fact that absolutely nothing is explained or easily understandable-- a game guide is a must for this one. Trust me, after playing a bit and going “What the heck?!” just go ahead and print one out. There is a time limit, but don’t worry too much about it. Once you get your bearings, you should be destroying viruses left and right.
The game is completely free to play, so if you’re even just a little bit curious about this space adventure, you've got nothing to lose. It’s easily a top recommendation at the $0 price point. At the very least, check out the crazy robot designs because they are the best. Hopefully the new Freddy’s game will have even a small slice of the madness within The Desolate Hope.
Never underestimate the power of Coffee.
-The Dungeon Dame
Never underestimate the power of Coffee.
-The Dungeon Dame