Holy CON, Batman!
While GG, Inc. was busy partaking of all the fun of Dragon Con this weekend, we may have kind of forgotten to write stuff down! (We are still working out the kinks of our fledgling news site - we appreciate your patience.)
We are collecting our thoughts, downloading our photos and catching up on sleep today so we can put together a coherent sentence - but rest assured post-con coverage will roll out this week!
While GG, Inc. was busy partaking of all the fun of Dragon Con this weekend, we may have kind of forgotten to write stuff down! (We are still working out the kinks of our fledgling news site - we appreciate your patience.)
We are collecting our thoughts, downloading our photos and catching up on sleep today so we can put together a coherent sentence - but rest assured post-con coverage will roll out this week!
********Read More After the Break **********
Lindsey: Agreed. It was the same with David Blue -Eli from SG:U - he was fun totally geeking out over all the other fandoms.
Ariyanna: My favorite part was the Evening at Bree party (Tolkien themed) - it was a showcase of all the things DCon is about... friends, music, costuming, dancing, fandom, celebrities, and fun. I met so many interesting people from a variety of places.
Heather: My favorite part was Klingon Karaoke... Garrett Wang hanging out in the audience clapping and congratulating the performers... it is one big sing along that everyone enjoys.
Lauren: Oh! Also watching the cast of Arrow give Manu Bennett the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge at the end of Sunday morning's panel. Very unexpected!
Other Geek Girls are still recovering from the long weekend. There was so much more was saw and learned this year at DragonCon, so stay tuned this week for updates!