by Jen
Although I'm a veteran of DragonCon, I've never been to any other con - so I'm a little nervous about attending Phoenix Comicon this weekend! The madness starts tomorrow and goes through Sunday, and while I'm looking forward to checking out great cosplay, attending panels, and spending time (and money) in the Exhibitors' Hall, I wasn't sure exactly how to get started.
Fortunately, the Con's website provides some great info for veteran con-goers and n00bs alike! Comicon 101 tells you what to expect at con - everything from the etiquette of taking photographs with or of cosplayers (including a great article on the "Cosplay Is Not Consent" movement) to how to maneuver the con with kids in tow.
Fortunately, the Con's website provides some great info for veteran con-goers and n00bs alike! Comicon 101 tells you what to expect at con - everything from the etiquette of taking photographs with or of cosplayers (including a great article on the "Cosplay Is Not Consent" movement) to how to maneuver the con with kids in tow.
This will be my first time attending Con with my kids, so I'm excited about all the youth programming and cosplay opportunities they'll get to be a part of! And hopefully I can get my husband to pick them up when he gets off work so I can enjoy a bit of the Con After Dark fun as well.
I'm sure I'll have lots to share with our readers once I've survived my first non-DC con experience! Sound off in the comments if you'll be at Phoenix Comicon, or if you want me to hunt down any particular swag or stalk a celebrity for you!